LOVA International Summer School 2015: ‘Art & Anthropology – Ethnographies on the Move of People’

Please click on ‘read more’ for the full program of LOVA’s 2015 ISS ‘Art & Anthropology – Ethnographies on the Move of People’


Lecture 1: Title: ‘Time to Look at Girls: Filming Migrant Women in Ethiopia’ Marina de Regt (anthropologist, Free University of Amsterdam)
Lecture 2. Title: ‘Central Asian ethnographic photography with a quest of the early women portrait photography: the practice of religious duties, vows and offerings, charms and divination, religious festivals and ceremonies’ Inessa Kouteinikova(curator of the 19th and early 20th art and architectural historian)
Lecture 3. Title: ‘Textiles on the move. The aesthetics and narratives of Vlisco fabrics in different socio-cultural settings.’ Rhooda Woets (anthropologist, Free University of Amsterdam.)
Lecture 4. Title: ‘Parody and Satire: Politicizations of Musical Humor on the Move’ Eva-Maria van Straaten (musicologist/anthropologist, University of Göttingen)
Lecture 5 – Title: ‘Deadly Beautiful – Martyrdom in Palestine’ Edmeé van Rijn (social anthropologist & photojournalist)
Lecture 6. Title: ‘Art & Migration – We are here Group’. ‘Maria Hlavajaova (BAK, University of Utrecht)


Workshop 1. Title: ‘You, yourself … and the Other’ Sara Blom (visual anthropologist, documentary maker) & assignment
Workshop 2. Title: ‘(Com-) position of the photographic self-portrait’ An anthropological and artistic way of looking at ‘selfies’. Arjanne Schaaf (Visual Anthropologist, University of Leiden) & Rosemarie Houniet Visual Artist, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Puclic &Visual Historian, University of Western Cape) & assignment
Workshop 3. Title: ‘Identification through Art, creation of a short movie’. Linda Paganelli (visual anthropologist, & filmmaker) & assignment
Workshop 4. Title: Migration, Nationalism & Sexuality in Western Europe’. Paul Mepschen (social anthropologist, lecture University of Leiden)
Workshop 5. Title: “Untoward Activism: Youth, Crisis, Photography’. Marie José De Abreu (anthropologist, Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin)
Workshop 6. Title: ‘Sexuality, (feminist) pornography and representation in the media’. Marije Janssen (feminist, activist, curator & sex idealist)

Movie 1. Title: Time to look at Girls – Migrants in Bangladesh & Ethiopia’ by Marco Speroni (filmmaker)
Movie 2. Title: ‘Bewogen/ Moved – Poems in sign language’ by Anja Hiddinga (medical anthropologist & filmmaker)
Movie 3. Title: ‘tba’

Excursion 1. Stedelijk Museum. Nathalie Roos (anthropologist; BAK)
Excursion 2. Rijksmuseum /or van Gogh Museum. Carola Lammers (anthropologist & guide)
Excursion 3. Art Zuid / Sail / artists in Amsterdam (artofbiking)

Body Workshop. Title: ‘Therapeutic Stretching’ Lilith Turk (yoga teacher, Active Health Centre, Amsterdam)